Saturday, January 30, 2010

While I am on the subject...

I have an update on a post I made a few days ago about Charlie going on a ride with his "dad" to go visit "nana" (J's mom).

I was the one who asked J to take Charlie with him that afternoon because Charlie was being rowdy and I thought a car ride would do him good. Well for whatever reason I kept having a very bad feeling about Charlie getting lost or hurt while gone with J in fact I almost called just to check on him a few times but didnt because hey he's still a dog and I didnt want to be silly. Anyway they were gone a couple of hours and I was doing my usual evening stuff (blog, Facebook etc.) and having my bad feeling. When they got home Jeremy said to Charlie "Go ahead and tell her what you did" and I was like "o no he ran off or something" NO. Apparently as they neared the driveway turn in 3 deer came across the road and into the neighbors yard so J held Charlie up so he could see them and Charlie went crazy! J usually rolls the car window down because Charlie loves the air on his face so Charlie is so excited and decides to go deer hunting and jumps out of the moving car window! J says he wasnt going fast but Charlie just "tucked & rolled" down the side of the driveway and J stopped to get him and he was sitting there crying. I am just glad he didnt get hurt...silly puppy thinks he's a pit bull or something!

Mr Boogers stuck under the couch

Last night Jeremy and I were doing our usual thing both sitting at our computers when we hear Charlie crying. Jeremy got up to go check on him and couldnt find him at first then discovered him stuck under the couch. Apparently he was playing follow the leader with Rascal and found himself in a tight spot he didnt know how to get out of. So Jeremy lifted one end of the couch a bit and Charlie can crawling out, no harm done. So J goes back to his computer and about 3 minutes later we hear him crying again. He has yet again gotten stuck under the couch and he can kinda poke his head out a bit but cant get his body through the metal frame. So I try to grab him but he is a little more frightened this time and wont come out. Jeremy had to pop both ends of the sectional out and lift one end up and have me lay down on the floor and pull a scared to death Charlie out from under the sofa. Hopefully he has learned his lesson and wont do this again...It would be very bad if he decided to do this sometime that we werent home!

P.S Please dont judge me on how dusty it is under my couch :D

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thursday is my favorite day of the week

I got to sleep late this morning it was just what I needed today. I am gonna surf the net for awhile maybe get in a little W.o.W time and go to work about noon. I like having late appointments cause I get to hang out around the house all morning and either relax and do whatever I want or catch up on laundry and dishes. I swear it seems like I never get caught up on either.

Gonna go to our Thursday night gathering tonight and I am bringing dinner its the first time in awhile that I have been able to do so. Its nice to have friends who feed you once a week I am truly great full, I just wish I could reciprocate more often. So whats on the menu? Reuben sandwiches...SOUTHERN style!

Reuben sandwiches southern style:

Rye bread (try to get marbled if available)
Swiss Cheese
Thousand Island dressing
and here is the kicker...
instead of traditional corned beef (drum roll please) you use thick sliced

Ok so make sure to heat up your kraut a bit then layer all ingredients onto your rye bread and either toast until all melty in the oven or coat bread with butter and fry in a skillet a la grilled cheese sandwich. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cold weather

ok so I know all you northerners are suffering much worse but North Alabama weather has turned cold again (yes I know its still January) Just when I was getting used to the nice 60 and up temps it starts being rainy and dreary. Thankfully the sun was out in full force yesterday (monday) and the sun was saying hello this morning but too bad it went away again and the wind is bitter. I cant wait til spring I think we should just skip Jan Feb and most of March.

Been thinking about a change

I was watching an old movie on AMC last Friday and a movie from the mid 60's was playing starring Ann Margret and I am officially in love with her hair. I have been thinking about doing mine a new color but I love the light hilights in my hair the way it is so its hard to want to change...but I do love this bombshell red!!!

Charlie a few days ago

So this is the little man a few days ago. He and J just left to go take J's little brother a truck hitch thingy. He loves to "go" in the car and he knows what it means when we ask him to "go". He is such a little devil!

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Thought I would add that I love How Stuff Works podcasts. I listen to them nearly every morning while I shower and dress for work. The Stuff you missed in History class, and Stuff Mom never told you are fun to listen to as well. I especially like that they are based out of Atlanta Ga. Give it a listen!

Young Charlie

This is my "furrbaby" Charlie we took this picture when he was about 3 months old(?) he was less thank 2lbs but what a character. If you look close you can see the white fur growing out on his head, his meanness was coming in!

Sunday Blah

Good afternoon all. I flaked this morning. I was supposed to visit a church with my co-workers but the weather had to continue being dreary and I didn't want to leave the warm soft comfort of my bed. For whatever reason I just feel drained. I am going to blame the lack of sunshine. If this whole rainy yucky weather thing doesn't pass soon I am going to hafta get out my vitamin D or visit a tanning salon.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I did it...and J didn't have to come fix it afterwards

Well it took me 6 days to create a name for my blog put only 25 minutes to find a template and use it woo hoo! The hard part was finding a template that didn't look evil. To top it all off I actually added it hollering across the house "J come fix it" since I inevitably always screw everything up that I try to do to my computer.

Next lesson: how to add pictures...hope its easy...

Today...I did a whole lot of... nothin

How to start off as a part of this whole blog world? I guess the first step was to figure out the title and web address so technically I am like 80% there right, or if you count the fact that it took me 6 days to figure out the name in the first place I must be at like 650%? Who knows...I don't because I was home schooled from 3rd grade on and my high school diploma is written in sharpie on a piece of gold construction paper so I'm not claiming any math credibility...or spelling for that matter...thank the powers that be for spell checker! But I am getting off track (hi my name is Hillery and I have A.D.D my brain can never stay on one thing for too long) why you ask, if it took me 6 days to come up with a web address did I settle for such a terrible name? Well there is a perfectly easy answer to that...every name I have thought was so clever has been taken. Yes I know I am a little late to the whole blogging world so what did I expect. Ok point taken. BUT the thing that stoked my fire was the fact that all the names I wanted to use (and were taken) were blogs that were started AND NEVER USED!!! c'mon people! delete the stupid thing! you arent using it! Anyway as I said earlier WELCOME to southern smothered and covered!