Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Today...I did a whole lot of... nothin

How to start off as a part of this whole blog world? I guess the first step was to figure out the title and web address so technically I am like 80% there right, or if you count the fact that it took me 6 days to figure out the name in the first place I must be at like 650%? Who knows...I don't because I was home schooled from 3rd grade on and my high school diploma is written in sharpie on a piece of gold construction paper so I'm not claiming any math credibility...or spelling for that matter...thank the powers that be for spell checker! But I am getting off track (hi my name is Hillery and I have A.D.D my brain can never stay on one thing for too long) why you ask, if it took me 6 days to come up with a web address did I settle for such a terrible name? Well there is a perfectly easy answer to that...every name I have thought was so clever has been taken. Yes I know I am a little late to the whole blogging world so what did I expect. Ok point taken. BUT the thing that stoked my fire was the fact that all the names I wanted to use (and were taken) were blogs that were started AND NEVER USED!!! c'mon people! delete the stupid thing! you arent using it! Anyway as I said earlier WELCOME to southern smothered and covered!